Mashpee Boosters
1. What is the MMHS Boosters Club? We are a group of Mashpee Middle High School parent and guardian volunteers with a vested interest in enhancing the experience of our student athlete and /or club members' in grades 7-12. Support is shown in many ways including volunteering time, raising money and collecting donations, Think PTO of high school.
2. Who can join the MMHS Boosters? Any parent/guardian of a students in MMHS grades 7-12 is welcome to join the Boosters Club. Monthly meetings are held at MMHS on the second Tuesday of each month with the exception of May which will be may 7. You do not need to be on the executive board to attend meetings, all are welcome!
3. Why should I join the MMHS Boosters? What makes a successful booster club is a dedicated pool of enthusiastic volunteers. Therefore, our organization is only as good as those who serve and support it. All successful booster clubs cultivate relationships with eager helpers, local businesses, and the school community.
4. What are funds raised for? We are fortunate at MMHS that students have the opportunity to participate in sports and clubs free of charge. That is a huge advantage for the students. The funds that are raised go towards enhancing the entire team and or club experience. This can be spirit wear, travel, banquets, food or equipment.
5. What is a team/club liaison? How do I become one? MMHS Boosters supports 25+ teams/clubs. Each team/club is encouraged to have an active parent liaison in order to gain accesss to Booster Funds. liaisons are resposible for establishing the wants and needs of the team/club and presenting it to the boosters for approval. Other responsibilities include organizing fundraisers, communicating with coaches or directors, following the bi-laws and managing funds. Please email the boosters if you are interested - .
Our purpose is to enhance the high school experience for club members and athletes. We encourage you to sign up as a liaison for your kid's team/club/class. We can support you in fundraising, purchasing spirit wear, end of season banquets, etc.
We also fundraise/plan events thorough out the year in order to host the After Prom Party and award scholarships to seniors.
Consider ordering Team Warmups at the #We Are Mashpee Store. We have the best prices in town and profits benefit the Mashpee Public Schools.