Parents Resources
This is not meant to be a complete list of resources. Family resources change often. To get the best assistance for your family contact your students guidance department. They would be happy to help you and will have the most up to date information.
Work Permit
Work permits are issued from the Mashpee Middle/High School Guidance Office. They can also be obtained at the Superintendent's Office between the hours of 8:00AM-3:00PM
How to obtain a work permit:
To obtain a work permit, you must first fill out a Promise of Employment form. (You must be a minimum of 14, and a maximum of 17 years old). You can download the Promise of Employment form below. Once the information has been filled out and signed off by all parties- employer, parent/guardian, and physician (if 14 or 15 years old), the applicant must bring the completed form back and the actual work permit will be issued. The applicant must be present when the work permit is issued, as they must sign it in the presence of the issuing agent.
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Chromebook User Agreement
Every student at though out Mashpee Public Schools will be assigned a Chromebook for their use during school hours. It is the student's responsibility to care for their assigned Chromebook. Please read the Chromebook User Agreement for detailed information.