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MMHS Program of Studies

Mashpee Middle-High Schools is proud to offer our students a wide variety of courses to meet their academic needs and interests. We are continuously evolving, as are our students. 

The program of studies represents the menu of course and program offerings. There are hundreds of courses -- in the traditional academic disciplines and in our valued elective programs. There are courses at different levels  including advanced placement programs. In addition, there are four alternative programs -- dual enrollment, career pathways, some with certification programs-- these enable us to address the needs of all of our students.

Your responsibility is to choose the most appropriate and challenging program for you. I encourage you to read the catalog carefully and discuss it with your teachers, your counselor, and your parents—all to ensure that you make the best selections you can. 


Program of Studies

Family with graduate

 “I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” 

Eleanor Roosevelt