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Arts and Communications

Visual and Performing Arts

Program Description

The Arts curriculum at Mashpee Middle High School encourages students to explore artistic expression.  Students are encouraged to become lifelong participants, patrons or pursue a career in the arts. As students engage in classes they are encouraged to develop their individual artistic and personal expression. Beyond technical skills, students practice a wide variety of creative problem solving skills like, observation, active listening, envisioning, experimentation, decision making, persistence, self-reflection, collaboration, and communication. 

Visual and Performing arts Courses

Visual Arts

Intro to Digital Art- Grade 8

Design and Visual Communications I ½ unit

Design and Visual Communications II ½ unit

3­D Computer Animation I (H, CP) 1 unit

3D Computer Animation II (H, CP) 1 unit 

Fashion I (CP) ½ unit 

Fashion II (CP) ½ unit 

Pottery I (CP) ½ unit 

Pottery II (CP) ½ unit 

Advanced Pottery (CP) ½ unit 

Digital Photography & Arts I (CP) ½ unit 

Digital Photography & Arts II (CP) ½ unit 

Honors Art Portfolio/ Advanced Placement Studio Art & Design (H,AP) 1 unit 

Performing Arts

Band MS

Chorus MS

Strings Ensemble MS

Vocal Ensemble (H, CP) 1 unit 

Band (H, CP) 1 unit 

Jazz Band (by audition) (H, CP) 1 unit 

Music Technology I ½  unit

Music Technology II ½  unit

String Ensemble  (CP) 1 unit

Music Theory I (CP) ½ unit 

Music Theory II­/ AP Music Theory (CP, AP) 1 unit 

Theater Arts I (CP) 1/2 unit

The two courses listed below are strongly recommended for incoming 7th graders that are interested in exploring the visual and/or performing arts

General Music- Grade 7

7th-grade music students will study music topics such as world music, music theory and music production/composition. They will explore music genres such as EDM and rock, learning the different instruments in a contemporary rock band setting. All students will have the opportunity to play an instrument such as the guitar, bass guitar, drums and piano. They will also have the opportunity to form bands and perform contemporary rock songs.

Exploring the Arts - Grade 7

This course provides students in grades 7 an exploratory introduction to the elements of art and principles of design through a variety of media such as graphite, charcoal, pastel, paint, clay and digital art. Subjects such as landscape portraiture and still life will be practiced through realistic as well as abstract art techniques. Perspectives drawing and design, as well as art history and art criticism will also be explored. Students will build a portfolio of their work throughout the course to demonstrate their growth. There will be weekly homework, tests, quizzes, reading and written assignments. Students are required to keep a sketchbook to conceptualize and plan project ideas. 

For more information on some other courses that can be applied toward the academic component please browse the list above and refer to the course descriptions in the Program of Studies. 



  • Art Competition Participation
  • Independent Projects (outside of coursework with approval)
  • Photography Club
  • Stage and/or Costume Design
  • Theater and/or Music Performance (outside of coursework)
  • AV Club - Mashpee Falcon Media
  • Blue Falcon Theater
  • MassWorks Internship



  • AV Studio
  • Recording Studio
  • Computer Lab with industry software

Mashpee Minute

Portrait in art class
Painting of snowy park

Art has the potential to unify. It can speak in many languages without a translator. The arts do not discriminate. The arts lift us up.

Barbara Jordan

Industry Partners

ArtWorks Program- partners students with working artists

MassHire logo

College Credit

Advance Placement  Courses

Visual Arts Career Pathways

  • Photographer

  • Interior designer

  • Design assistant

  • Fashion designer

  • Set designer

  • Costume design

  • Painter

  • Animation artist

  • Illustrator

  • Art instructor

  • Art consultant

  • Creative director

  • Videographer

  • Camera operator

  • Video editor

  • Filmmaker

  • Production assistant

  • Freelance artist

  • Photojournalist

  • Exhibit designer

  • Art therapist

  • Sketch artist

  • Stylist

Performing Arts Career Pathways

  • •    Musician
    •    Singer
    •    Songwriter
    •    Composer
    •    Festival organizer
    •    Music arranger
    •    Music blogger
    •    Music producer
    •    Music teacher
    •    Music therapist
    •    Music publicist
    •    Musician agent
    •    Recording engineer
    •    Casting director
    •    Cinema actor
    •    Director
    •    Dramatherapist
    •    Fight director
    •    Film editor
    •    Movie scorer
    •    Playwright
    •    Propmaster
    •    Set designer
    •    Stage actor
    •    Stage crew member
    •    Stage manager

Fashion Design Dress