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Career & Skills Pathways

CTE Pathways in Mashpee

Did you know that Mashpee Middle High School has a strong and vibrant Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department? Students can develop in-demand skills, obtain industry recognized credentials and engage in work based learning experiences during their high school experience. CTE works for all students. Upon graduation, students enrolled in our CTE programs are prepared to enter the workforce, pursue further education or join the military.  It all depends on their individual goals and career choices.

Our CTE pathways include: Culinary Arts, Manufacturing, Art and Communications, Early Childhood Education, Business and Finance and our brand new Health Services pathway.  We partner and align our programs with the local business community to provide our students with the opportunity to engage in work based learning experiences. The technical and professional skills our students acquire give them a competitive advantage in the workplace.

Currently, the Massachusetts economy is experiencing a workforce skills gap where, 44% of jobs in Massachusetts require skills training. Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs can fill these gaps, particularly in Massachusetts's key industries:

• Education and Health Services

• Trade, Transportation and Utilities

• Manufacturing

• Leisure and Hospitality

Many students are already enrolled in CTE in Massachusetts, developing technical, academic and employability skills and engaging in work-based learning experiences with industry partners. Studies show the students in CTE programs are more engaged, graduate high school at higher rates, earn industry-recognized credentials, and have rewarding and sustainable careers.

Click on the pathways links to the right to learn more.


CTE: Good for Students, Good for Business, Good for Communities!

CTE Skills Pathways